
Integrated into your existing go-to-market stack

Native integrations that power your most important workflows
Salesforce logo
Create new leads or opportunities
Send leads and their demo engagement data to Salesforce.
Sync engagement data
Get realtime activity from visitors. Use this engagement data to create Salesforce dashboards and workflows.
Collect data from form fills
Understand which prospects are engaging with your demo.
Salesforce dashboard
Hubspot logo
Create new leads or opportunities
Send leads and their demo engagement data to Hubspot.
Sync engagement data
Get realtime activity from visitors. Use this engagement data to create Hubspot dashboards and workflows.
Collect data from form fills
Understand which prospects are engaging with your demo.
Hubspot dashboard
Marketo logo
Create new leads or opportunities
Send leads and their demo engagement data to Marketo.
Sync engagement data
Sync realtime activity from visitors. Use this engagement data to create Marketo dashboards and automation.
Send email campaigns targeting groups
Automatically enroll leads into a campaign.
Marketo dashboard
Segment logo
Send engagement data
Track user conversion, dropoff, and completion events.
Merge all your data sources
Share engagement data with analytics platforms.
Segment dashboard
Google Analytics logo
Google Analytics
Send engagement data
Track user conversion, dropoff, and completion events.
Gather insights
Understand which product demos are the highest performing.
Google Analytics dashboard
Slack logo
Share prospect & account data with your team
Surface active opportunities or existing customers that engage with your demos in Slack.
Action high-intent leads
Immediately notify sales teams which use case, feature, or part of your product a high-intent lead explored.
Slack dashboard
Mutiny logo
Run A/B tests at scale
Use Navattic events as conversion goals to see which version of your demo leads to higher conversion rates.
Personalize demos
Personalize demos depending on account attributes like industry or size.
Retarget demo visitors
Create segments with high-intent demo visitors and serve them new CTAs or offers.
Mutiny dashboard
Mixpanel logo
Analyze engagement data
Use Mixpanel custom events to track user conversion, dropoff, and completion events.
See the full story
Create website or activation reports to see how interactive demos affect website or free trial behavior.
Mixpanel dashboard
Chameleon logo
Educate users
Show in-app users short demos that enable them to learn and adopt your product faster.
Shorten time to value
Speed up activation by guiding free trial users through your product’s aha moments.
Chameleon dashboard
MadKudu logo
Reveal leads or accounts
Sync demo leads and accounts to MadKudu Sales Copilot and add them to Playbooks.
Action engagement data
Surface accounts with high customer fit scores that are highly engaged with your demo.
MadKudu dashboard
Zapier logo
Sync with leads or opportunities
Send leads and engagement data to any part of your stack.
Send engagement data
Track user conversion, dropoff, and completion events.
Zapier dashboard
Get started

Build demos that delight.

Unlock faster sales cycles and empower your go-to-market team to drive growth with your product.