Customer Interview Series: Partnership Enablement with Ryan Moline

5 min read

See how Ryan Moline - Senior Product Marketing Manager at Bombora uses Navattic for partnership enablement.

Share a unique way you use interactive demos in your marketing strategy

Bombora is a data company, and we optimize our value in other partner platforms. So we wanted to give our customers the ability to get into the weeds and actually see what they can do with these integrations.

Originally, we’d give them a sandbox environment or try to schedule time with a larger group to do a demo. But for a lot of reasons these options are difficult to manage and time-consuming, and we really wanted to scale our program.

Navattic was really a no-brainer. We could capture all of the things our partners can do in our tool without having to cross any security barriers, talk to legal, and schedule time.

Interactive demos are a great way to design experiences with my counterparts at different partner platforms. We’ve used these demos in a ton of ways, and all have good engagement.

For example, RollWorks is one of our account-based marketing partners that allows you to pull Bombora data into their system and build out audiences to run an account-based motion against. I created a demo to show exactly how to build a list and integrate that data into an audience segment — the ultimate value for our customers who use both tools.

Check out the Bombora and Rollworks demo.

The demo walks people through our filter criteria, the ANDs, the ORs, and the results users get with Bombora and RollWorks together. It’s short and sweet but does a great job of encapsulating how the data integrates and what kind of value users can get with this integration.

Why did you set up the demo this way?

We appraoch this more as joint enablement rather than lead gen. The goal is to enable our market and show what is the value of these two data sources working together. Let as many people as possible get their hands on the two products.

Using Navattic in this way is helpful for me because I can clone and customize demos for each of our integrations. I can make sure each prospect has a broader picture of how we work with our partners and the value they can achieve with our integrations right away.

What are some unique ways you're using Navattic?

We often use these demos in joint sales cycle emails and cater to mutual prospects in joint sales calls. We’ve also coupled the demo with a webinar called 7 Ways to Optimize Your Budget With Intent data, and used the interactive demo as a call to action. That way potential customers and existing customers get something tangible to work with post-event.

I also tend to copy some of the demos and tailor them to internal training, explaining to AEs how the partner’s platform works with ours. I make it super enablement-driven so that our team knows the nuances and has the context to talk intelligently about how our data lives in partners’ platforms when they’re on the phone with prospects.

Do you have any recommendations for someone just starting with Navattic?

My top tip is to follow the process. Start to finish.

When you get a new tool, it’s tempting to just dive in, especially with a tool as intuitive as Navattic. But I’d recommend using the storyboard template. That exercise has been incredibly useful to me. I can’t say enough about it.

It feels like an extra step, but it's so helpful later when you’re thinking about what screens to pull in and what you can say about that experience.

There’ve been so many times when I’ve created a demo and realized I’m missing a step or have duplicate steps, and need to go back to my original storyboard — it’s my rock. It anchors me on what are we trying to detail here and how are we trying to portray that to our audience and helps me make sure I’m getting that message across succinctly.

The storyboard is also a great way to collaborate with partners, other external stakeholders, and internal teams. These folks are always catching spelling mistakes I make because when you’re living in the demo, you need another set of eyes on it.


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